Color is one of the most common element use in art and design. Color is often use to differentiate one object from the other by using different hues.
The color wheel consist of 12 colors. The primary colors are Red, Yellow and Blue. Together they form a triangle. Between red, yellow and blue, another triangle is form by mixing the primary color equally, they are orange, green and violet. By mixing red and yellow, it become orange, red and blue become violet, blue and yellow become green. They are called secondary color. The last 6 colors are form by mixing the secondary color with the primary color, they are red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, green-blue, blue-violet and violet-red.
Some basic color scheme are
Monochrome which use only one color from the colou wheel,
Analogous which color choices are limited to the color beside the chosen color for example if you choose blue as your main color, your color scheme will consist of either blue-green or blue-violet or both.
Complimentary the color choices for this scheme is the color opposite from the chosen color. For example if you choose red as your main color, the color scheme is green.
There are many more color scheme such as split-complimentary, triadic and tetradic ( double-complimentary ).
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