Saturday 21 September 2013

Three point, Atmospheric and Zero point perspective

Three point perspective is usually used for buildings when viewed from above or from below. It has three vanishing point, 2 horizontal and 1 vertical. Three point perspective exist when an object or structure is not parallel to the ground. In design, viewing an object at a three point perspective will make the design more interesting and thus the design won't be flat.

Atmospheric perspective refers to the perspective of an object which exist in nature or in atmosphere and the farther the object is the more they will disappear into the horizon. They have irregular shape which make it hard for us to draw the perspective lines. For example clouds, trees, bushes, scenery, etc.

Another type of perspective is the zero point perspective. The perspective has no vanishing lines and exist only when the parallel lines are in the scene. For example mountain range, sea, etc.

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