Thursday 3 October 2013

Interior Design

Interior design is the art and process of evolving or turning an interior space into an effective setting fit for human activities. Interior designers are someone who are directly involve in the process.
Interior design involve planning, calculating and a good understanding of different elements in design. Different countries have different way to decorate their interior.
 For example ;
Japanese design is based strongly on craftsmanship, beauty, elaboration, and delicacy. The design of interiors is very simple but made with attention to detail and intricacy.
Arabic design use many decorations on their wall, an arabesque form of mural that shows various geometric designs in bright colors.

Japanese Interior

Arabian Interior

One notable interior designer was Sister Parish. She was an American interior designer. She designed the Yello Oval Room in the White House. In addition to the White House, Parish's clients included the philanthropist Jane Engelhard and the socialite and art collector Betsey Cushing Roosevelt Whitney,  Annette de la Renta,  Alice Rogers, Mrs. Charles Percy, were also clients.
 Her design was influenced and inspired by Baroque style.

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