Friday 4 October 2013

NAFA Fun Day

On 4th of October, NAFA held an event called FunDay. It was located at Siloso Beach, Sentosa. I arrived in Sentosa at 08:15 am with Yemima and Yen Yen.
Later on we met with the rest of our classmates. They brought volley-ball to the beach. Other than playing, NAFA held many competition and games and also lucky draw. I participated in tug-of-war. We sttuggle a lot but in the end we didn't win. It's a shame but its still fun and exciting. After the event ended, my friends and I went to swim on the beach. We also catch some crabs and starfish, but later on we release them back into sea. It was hot and tiring, but that was one of the most fun day I had ever had.

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